A century old company and large, national player in the repair parts business, Sundberg had a lot going for them. They are a well-oiled machine, mastering the logistics and service required to manage a massive inventory and distribute parts all over the country – three main distribution centers, 19 branch warehouses, and 200,000 sq. ft. of warehouse parts. As a B-to-B company, Sundberg’s job is to keep service and repair businesses stocked so when their customers call, they’re prepared. Having the right part at the right time flows downhill. The end user isn’t happy unless the top of the chain gets it right.

Stake Out a Position
The problem is, customers, even B-to-B ones, don’t always think about parts until they need them. And where you get your part is often an afterthought. With little perceived differentiation in the market, a company like Sundberg could choose to compete on price alone but that’s not a sustainable position by itself nor is it the makings of a strong brand.
You start with what you’re best at, what the customer needs, and the what, how, and why that you bring to the market. That’s your story, your hook. After doing a competitive landscape review and a full 360° immersion in the Sundberg brand, a key insight jumped out at us: The differentiator is the customer experience. Being a Sundberg customer feels different. The Sundberg secret sauce combines operational excellence with deep service know-how and a customer service driven culture. The result is the highest fill rate in the industry, the largest parts selection in the market, 24/7 customer service, and generous payment terms and return policies. Sundberg makes it exceptionally easy to do business with them. Sundberg knows what the customer wants and when they want it before they do.
There’s a famous quote from the French philosopher and mathematician, Blaise Pascal, that goes: “I would have written you a shorter letter, but I did not have enough time.” Summarizing your brand and conveying your value proposition in just a few words is no easy task. But, that was our mission. We developed a brand story summed up in one punchy tagline: When you need a part, we get it. The line serves as a teaser to the whole story – in a few words, it conveys an exceptional customer experience that’s built on technical know-how, superior data and logistics, and a customer-first culture. It’s a story about speed, quality control, and support.
We infused the brand position and brand story into every touchpoint, from a robust e-commerce site to print materials and direct marketing campaigns designed to reinforce the brand and stay top of mind with customers.
We also used the line to announce the new e-commerce website and let customers know that Sundberg's changes were based on listening to their feedback.